Hydroponics techniques are mostly done on a small scale as a hobby among Indonesian society.

Types of plants that have high economic value to be cultivated in hydroponics include:

Red Lettuce, Paprika, Tomato, Green lettuce, Melon, Naibai, Pagoda, Dakota, Baby pokchoi, you, spinach, kale, Sawi, Chilli, cucumber, pare, caisim etc.

Tools needed:

- Electric Drill - Holesaw (drill set) - Paralon / Hacksaw saws - Pliers - Meter - marker - ruler - cutter

Necessary materials :

- 3in Paralon (1-2) - Paralon1 / 2in (1-2) - Close paralon / dop uk.3in (as needed) - 1 / 2in paralon connection about 7pcs - Keni / paralon connection 1 / 2in, (L shape) - Lem Paralon - Bak / tandon / bucket that is covered for nutrient container - Hose - Aquarium Pump - Wire for paralon binder.

Other materials:
- Seeds that have grown 4daun (mustard, spinach, kale, lettuce) - Netpot / cuppot or aqua glass for plant container. - Planting media (rockwool, hydroton, husk) - Liquid Hydroponics Nutrition - clean water to fill the tub / tank / bucket

Once prepared, cut the 2.5 inch and 1 inch pipe,Create like this:

In order not to tilt when cutting the mark first with markers.

After cutting, then use holesaw to make a holeHis pipe is 2.5inch, to put the netpot

The next step, take the 2.5-inch pipes we have cut earlier.Then drag a straight line from the base to the end. Use a ruler or a meter.

The next step creates a hole for where to place the netpot. Draw a straight line, then put a dot for each hole.

Then we hide each of these points using the drill machine and holesaw / Matabor)

Do it until all paralon is perforated.

After all finished perforated, then we hole the cover of the 2.5 inch pipe / cap dop., To drain its water.

How: Create a midpoint, after that we just drill it with a drill machine and holesaw. Measure the middle point like this:

Then drill with holesaw, make it like this:

Then insert the pipe uk.5cm into the hole also into the knee.

Use glue to stick it to make it stronger.

Do all the 2.5inchi pipe caps we will use. Wait until the glue is completely dry and the pipe is seamlessly connected, so as not to leak when water passes.

Finally arrange the main frame.
Arrange all pipes, knees and their T connections.

Create like this:

Front look :

Seen from the side:

The final step, install the paralon pipe,

Then plug the pump with the hose.
Then enter the hose into the reservoir / tub that contains water and hydroponic nutrients.

Then plug the pump with the hose.
Then enter the hose into the reservoir / tub that contains water and hydroponic nutrients.

Once everything is plugged in, switch it to the mains, then insert the netpot into the paralon hole. Fill tub / tank / bucket with water, mix hydroponic nutrition according to the dosage. Finally enter a plant that has grown 4 leaves into the netpot.

Always check 2-3 days, if the nutrition is reduced, immediately add.

Hydroponics techniques are mostly done on a small scale as a hobby among Indonesian society.

Types of plants that have high economic value to be cultivated in hydroponics include:

Red Lettuce, Paprika, Tomato, Green lettuce, Melon, Naibai, Pagoda, Dakota, Baby pokchoi, you, spinach, kale, Sawi, Chilli, cucumber, pare, caisim etc.

Thank you for your trust in using my Hydroponic Griya Product

Griya Hidroponikku sells a wide range of Hydroponics equipment and supplies at low cost and retail for Hydroponics Beginners.

Price List of Various Seeds at Griya Hydroponikku: Vegetable seed: 3rb / sachet Fruit Seed: 3rb / sachet Flower Seed: 5rb / sachet Seeds of Herbs: 5rb / sachet

Price of Hydroponics Equipment Netpot: 1000 / pcs Mini Polibag: 250 / pcs Medium polybags: 400 / pcs Large Polybag: 700 / pcs Polybag Jumbo: 1100 / pcs Polybag Jumbo Mango: 1300 / pcs Cocopeat: 8000 / pack Chaff Baker: 8000 / pack Hydroton: 14rb / pack Perlite: 14rb / pack Little White cover seed tray: 14rb / pack Rockwool: 30rb / box Panel: 30rb / meter Cup pot: 300 / pcs Hydroponics Liquid Nutrition: 25rb / set 300ml Hydroponic Liquid Nutrition: 20rb / set 200ml Complete Liquid Nutrition: 30rb / set 300ml Complete Liquid Nutrition: 25rb / set 200ml Natural biopesticide: 14rb / bottle Liquid Flower Anti-Flower: 14rb / bottle

Starter KIT Packages For Beginners

8 Planting Hole: 85rb10 Planting Hole: 95rb 12 Planting Hole: 110rb

12 Planting Hole: 110rb

Order Sms:

Lisa: 0856 9548 9417
Yulia: 0852 1703 8245
BBm: 7C0A5470
WA: 0856 9548 9417
Line: My GriyaHidroponik


Via Transfer Payment:

Bank MANDIRI: 110-00-0707286-8 a / n: YULIANA
BCA: 0660748661 a / n: YULIANA

 Griya Hidroponikku, provides free consultation for customers who have purchased at my Griya Hidroponikku.

We are willing to guide to succeed.

SMS: 0852 1703 8245
Fuel: 7C0A5470
WA: 0856 9548 9417


by. Griya Hidroponikku


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